
"Picassinos" Art.

This art work was inspired by Pablo Picasso´s painting: "La Paloma de la Paz"
You need the following materials:
1. A drawing of the painting.
3.Paper towel
4.White Glue ( Elmer)
5.Food Coloring
6. Water.
I gave to my kids a  drawing of the  Pablo Picasso's painting and  paper towel . Then I told  them to put the paper towel over the drawing and trace the pigeon with the glue.
After that, we let  the glue dry for a couple of hours.
Then we put a few drops of food coloring on the paper towel and wet it  trying to spread the food coloring all over the paper towel.
We let the art work dry for 24 hs.
However I recommend to paste the paper towel on a white construction paper when is still wet since  when  it dries  it gets rigid and it inflates. 

Sight words bowling.

My children love to play this game while they reinforce the sight words.
I recycled milk plastic bottles to do this learning material that we decided to call Sight words Bowling.
We used a paper ball to play that is safe and easy to make. 

Recycled materials. Foil Ballerina.


Preeschool Art

This art work was inspired by Pablo Picasso´s painting: "La Paloma de la Paz" Through this art work my kids had the opportunity to apply what they learned in the Math area since they had to trace circles with white glue on the foil paper. These are the steps that they following: 

1.Paste the foil on a construction paper sheet.

 2. Trace different sizes of circles with white glue.

 3.Let it dry.

 4. Paint the foil using different acrylic colors and create your own design. 

5. Let dry the dry the acrylic paint. 

6.Finally, use a toothpick to trace different shapes.

Exploring Textures.

Materials: Paint, Clear Glue and Salt.

Art, Children, Kids, Paint, Salt, Glue.

Exploring Textures.

Materials: Food Coloring, Clear Glue and Salt.

Preschool, Activities, Art, Children, Kids, Paint, Salt, Glue, Exploring,

Exploring textures.

Exploring textures:
Water colors